- 01 手绘数位插画设计
- 02 运营插画设计
进入第二阶段学习,你会深入探索运营类插画的奥秘。这里,你将更专注于创作出引人入胜的作品,学习各种插画风格和应用场景。你会发现,插画不仅仅是一张图,更是连接品牌和消费者的桥梁。 在这一阶段,你将学习如何创作节日类插画,为各种节日量身定制视觉表达。无论是春节的红火喜庆,还是圣诞的温馨浪漫,你的插画都将为节日增添更多色彩。同时,你也会学习如何设计IP角色延展和Q版角色,通过插画展现角色的独特魅力。此外,你还将掌握其他设计场景的插画创作技巧,如商业广告、产品包装等。 你会发现,这些技能在新媒体运营中非常实用。通过插画,你可以更好地传达品牌理念,吸引用户的注意力。同时,这些插画也可以用于社交媒体推广、公众号配图等,让你的品牌在社交媒体上脱颖而出。当然啦,这一阶段的重点不只是技能的提升,更重要的是对美感的敏锐度和创意的挖掘。你将通过不断的实践和学习,提升自己的艺术感知和创造力。最终,你将成为一名真正的新媒体插画高手!
- 03 商业插画设计
第三阶段,你将深入学习商业插画的实际案例操作流程。在这个阶段,你将掌握图形创意插画设计、产品包装插画设计以及插画文创设计的精髓。我们将通过解析成功案例,让你了解如何将插画应用于商业领域,创造出具有吸引力和创意的图形作品。 在这个阶段,你将学习到如何通过独特的创意和构思,将插画与品牌理念相结合,打造出符合品牌形象的产品包装。同时,你还将掌握如何将传统文化元素融入插画设计,创造出具有文化内涵的文创产品。 通过这一阶段的学习,你将能够独立完成商业插画项目,为产品赋予视觉上的吸引力,提升品牌价值。相信你在这一阶段的努力,将为你的插画之路奠定坚实的基础。
Hand-painted illustration training class in Shanghai is a great way to explore the art of drawing and painting. This class will help you learn the fundamentals of illustration, including drawing techniques, color theory, and composition. You will also learn how to create unique and original illustrations that can be used for various purposes, such as advertising, publishing, and more. The instructors in this class are experienced professionals who will guide you through the process of creating beautiful and functional illustrations. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced artist, this class is a great way to enhance your skills and creativity.
In this class, you will learn about different painting techniques and mediums, including watercolors, acrylics, and markers. You will also explore different drawing tools and techniques to create stunning illustrations. The class will provide you with the opportunity to work on individual projects as well as collaborate with other students to create group works. By participating in this class, you will not only improve your artistic skills but also gain a better understanding of the art of illustration.
If you are interested in taking this class, please contact the training institution in Shanghai for more information. They will provide you with course details, schedules, and registration information.
(Note: The above content is fictitious and for reference only. Please check with the actual training institution for course details and other relevant information.)手绘插画学习,推荐你来火星时代教育。我们的插画培训课程不仅教你画画,更培养你的商业思维。想成为备受瞩目的插画大咖吗?来这里,让你的兴趣变成职业,实现自由多金的梦想!我们的老师会从基础内容开始教,让你掌握多种风格,了解当下潮流的运营设计形式。还能学到商业思维体系等实用知识,以及各大设计软件的深度应用。不要犹豫了,快来加入我们吧!