- 01 手绘数位插画设计
接下来,我们将专注于CG数位插画的手绘基础教学。你将学习各种风格的数位板插画绘制技巧,从基础到进阶,逐步掌握不同插画类型的创作方法。 我们将带你了解并掌握各种常用软件的操作,让你在插画创作过程中更加得心应手。无论你是初学者还是有一定基础的插画爱好者,都能在这里找到适合自己的学习内容。 通过本阶段的学习,你将提升自己的绘画技能,掌握更多插画创作的技巧和方法。让我们一起开启插画之旅,创作出属于你的独特作品吧!
- 02 运营插画设计
- 03 商业插画设计
在第三阶段,你将深入探索商业插画的实际运作流程,从图形创意插画设计、产品包装插画设计到插画文创设计,全方位提升你的插画技能。 这个阶段,你将学习如何通过插画表达创意和想法,借鉴成熟的商业插画案例,了解插画在商业领域的应用和市场需求。你将掌握图形创意插画的设计技巧,学会运用不同工具和软件,让你的插画作品更具创意和吸引力。 同时,你还会学习产品包装插画设计,了解如何将插画与产品完美结合,通过插画展现产品的特点和优势。此外,插画文创设计也是这个阶段的重要部分,你将学习如何将插画与文化创意产业相结合,创作出具有文化内涵和商业价值的插画作品。 通过这个阶段的学习,你将全面提升自己的插画技能,为未来的职业生涯奠定坚实的基础。
**Shanghai Hand-Painted Illustration Training Class**
? Hey art lovers, are you looking to enhance your drawing skills or learn a new art form? Join our hand-painted illustration training class in Shanghai!
? **What to Expect?**
* Learn the fundamentals of drawing and painting from skilled instructors.
* Explore various techniques and mediums to create stunning illustrations.
* Get hands-on experience with traditional and modern painting methods.
* Interact with fellow art enthusiasts and build a community of creative minds.
? **Class Details**:
* **Duration**: Flexibility in course duration to cater to different learners' needs.
* **Location**: Central Shanghai, easily accessible.
* **Content**: Basic drawing skills, painting techniques, color theory, and more.
* **Instructors**: Qualified and experienced artists with a passion for teaching.
? **Why Choose Our Class?**
* We believe in hands-on learning and provide a practical approach to art.
* Our instructors are not just teachers, but also mentors and friends.
* We have a vibrant art community where you can share your works and learn from others.
* We provide all the necessary materials, so you just need to bring your enthusiasm!
? **Who Should Join?**
* Beginners who want to learn the basics of drawing and painting.
* Art enthusiasts who want to enhance their skills and explore new techniques.
* Professionals who want to update their skills or learn something new for their next project.
✨ Join us in Shanghai to embark on your journey of hand-painted illustration! For more details or to register, visit our website or contact us at [email address]. We look forward to seeing your creativity bloom! ?