1. Photoshop:主要用于图像编辑和合成,是许多数字艺术家和设计师的首选工具。
2. Maya:这是一款强大的三维建模、动画和渲染软件,广泛用于影视、游戏和视觉设计领域,对于创建三维场景和数字角色来说非常重要。
3. Painter:这是一款用于数字绘画和绘图的软件,提供专业的画笔工具和丰富的材质,适用于创作手绘风格的图像和概念艺术。
4. Fusion:这是一款专业的后期制作软件,常用于电影和广告的视觉特效制作,包括合成、颜色校正和动态图形等。
5. Nuke:同样用于后期制作和合成,它在影视后期制作中非常受欢迎,因其强大的合成功能和对高清素材的支持。
Digital painting, also known as "Matte painting" in the CG film industry, is often used by film concept designers to create movie scenes. This technology can create realistic visual effects and atmosphere, making it easy for directors to achieve integrated environments and element artistic special effects in specific camera designs. Digital painting can depict both simple 2D backgrounds and intricate 3D details, and it is now often used in film and television camera integration, digital image production, CG original art creation, and other aspects. It is a powerful tool for creating intense camera atmosphere and adapting to various digital background creation forms. In fact, in the current film and television production industry, digital painting technology has become a significant part of the entire film production process. With the special effects of digital painting CG technology, there is no longer a need to spend a lot of money and manpower to build real architectural structures.
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